Career Technical Education (CTE)

Career Technical Education (CTE) is an educational strategy that combines academics, work-based learning, and integrated student supports, to prepare students for entry into college and careers. Students who participate in CTE programs report greater confidence in their life and career skills.


Skills USA

Industry Partner Guide 

Academies and Pathways offer:


Students learn the knowledge, skills, and training needed for employment or career advancement in high demand careers.


Students pursue an interesting course of study that will provide them the opportunity to enter the workforce with valuable skills.


Students receive quality, hands on instruction in a fully equipped state-of-the-art facility.

Program Components:

Viable Curriculum

  • Clear, consistent sequence of courses

  • Work-based learning opportunities

  • Cross curriculum collaboration

Advisory Committees

Each program has an advisory committee that is comprised of industry/business partners, district and school personnel, parents, and students.

Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)

Student organizations provide leadership opportunities, practice "essential skills," and collaborate with other students locally, statewide, and nationally in SkillsUSA and other competitions.

For more information please contact Assistant Principal Guillermo Bautista at [email protected] or at 760-862-4300 x46137.

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