AVID Peer Tutoring
Palm Desert High School has begun peer tutoring by our very own AVID trained tutors in English, Math, Science, History/Social Science, Foreign Language and Psychology. Peer tutoring will be available Tuesdays and Thursdays during Office Hours. Students interested in being tutored will need to log into their school account and fill out the Google Form HERE each time they would like to be tutored. Once the form is filled out, the student will be assigned a tutor and arrangements will be made to connect the students. Students interested in becoming a certified AVID tutor will have the opportunity to be trained at the beginning of next school year.

FEV Online Tutoring
FEV Tutoring is an online virtual platform with an educator that is available 24/7 to support our students. Students may schedule sessions or log on for on-demand tutoring, homework help, or assessment preparation. Tutoring is available for math, science, history, and English.

PDHS Tutoring
Palm Desert High School has begun peer tutoring by our very own AVID trained tutors in English, Math, Science, History/Social Science, Foreign Language and Psychology. Peer tutoring will be available Tuesday