

Interested in joining a club? Check out our club list for meeting times and dates.

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Club Rush

Club Rush is an annual event, usually held in September during lunch, where students have the opportunity to meet with clubs and learn about the different organizations on campus. Clubs are a great opportunity to find friends with similar interests and to motivate students to be more involved on campus. 


How To Start a New Club

  1. Find a teacher to be the club advisor
  2. Teacher completes the New Club Request Form found in the shared doc called Staff File Links (only teachers have access to this doc. Students cannot submit the New Club Request Form)
  3. Once the teacher submits the form, the ASB accounting technician will complete the club constitution cover sheet to add to the next ASB meeting. ASB meetings are held every Tuesday
  4. If approved by ASB, the request will be sent to the principal.
  5. If approved by the principal, the request will be sent to the district to be added to the next school board meeting.
  6. If the district approves the club, the advisor will be notified and the club may begin planning activities and fundraisers
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